Page 23 - Lactopress Julio 2024
P. 23

produced by the rural population in the regions of Córdoba,

       Sucre and Bolívar, manufactured mainly in households on a

       small  scale,  and  represents  a  gastronomic  heritage  of

       Colombian cuisine [4] (Simanca et al., 2010). Microorganisms

       that are not commonly used in dairy products have been iso-

       lated from this product [5]. After distinguishing the existent

       microorganisms  in  the  local  products  and  identifying  the

       shared probiotic technical characteristics and their molecular

       identification [6], it is necessary to think about the application

       of  biotechnological  scaling  techniques  in  order  to

       bioaugment  the  specific  ferments  and  consequently  make

       them available to improve the quality during the production of

       the specific products, which often is the financial support of

       many families depending on this production.

       Scaling techniques of native potential probiotic/starter dairy

       strains involves the study of basic growth dynamic microor-

       ganisms, such as kinetic parameters, which is not very docu-

       mented with lactic acid bacterial in Colombia; probably due to

       biotechnological dairy starter production of these microor-

       ganisms, has been restricted to few industrialized companies

       that offer starter cultures for massive use to develop food prod-


       This shows how the kinetic parameters of each microorganism

       in ideal conditions provide information that can be used to

       establish  suitable  conditions  in  the  inoculum,  among  other

       purposes for: suggest alternative industrial culture methods,

       production of specific metabolites, [7], establish conditions in

       the concentration of cells in order to standardize probiotic and

       technological tests and / or cell conservation.

       The purpose of this research is to establish the kinetic parame-

       ters  of  lactic  acid  bacteria  isolates  obtained  from  the  fer-

       mented milk “Suero Costeño” of artisan manufacture.

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