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Tecnología Alimentaria

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       B. Manos, and I. Manikas, “Article information: Traceability in the greek fresh produce
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       A. Bechini, M. Cimino, F. Marcelloni, and A. Tomasi, “Patterns and technologies for

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       J. van der Vorst, A. Beulens, and P. van Beek, “Innovations in logistics and ICT in food
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       Consumer Acceptance, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 245-291, 2005.

       L. A. Rábade, and J. A. Alfaro, “Buyer-supplier relationship's influence on traceability
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       D. Folinas, I. Manikas, and B. Manos, “Traceability data management for food chains”,
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       M. Canavari, R. Centonze, M. Hingley, and R. Spadoni, “Traceability as part of com-

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       W. van Rijswijk, L. J. Frewer, D. Menozzi, and G. Faioli, “Consumer perceptions of

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       S. Khan, A. Haleem, M. I. Khan, M. H. Abidi, and A. Al-Ahmari, “Implementing trace-

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       F. Dabbene, and P. Gay, “Food traceability systems: Performance evaluation and

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       J. van der Vorst, “Performance levels in food traceability and the impact on chain
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       M. Salampasis, D. Tektonidis, and E. P. Kalogianni, “TraceALL: A semantic web frame-
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       J. Hu, X. Zhang, L. M. Moga, and M. Neculita, “Modeling and implementation of the
       vegetable supply chain traceability system”, Food Control, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 341-353,

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