Page 44 - Tecno Pan Enero 2024
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Tecnología de la Panificación

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       Demirkesen, I., Behic, M., Gulum, S. and Serpil, S., Utilization of

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       Rodríguez, G., Avellaneda, S., Pardo, R., Villanueva, E. and

       Aguirre, E., Bread leaf enriched with extruded cake from

       sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.): chemistry, rheology, tex-

       ture and acceptability. Scientia Agropecuaria, 9(2), pp. 199-

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       Bustos, M.C., Ramos, M.I., Pérez, G.T. and León, A.E., Utilization

       of Kañawa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) flour in pasta

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       Ruffino, A.M.C., Rosa, M., Hilal, M., González, J.A. and Prado,

       F.E., The role of cotyledon metabolism in the establishment

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       Kurek, M.A. and Sokolova, N., Optimization of bread quality

       with quinoa flour of different particle size and degree of

       wheat flour replacement. Food Science and Technology,

       40(2), pp. 307-314, 2020. DOI: 10.1590/fst.38318

       Turkut, G.M., Cakmak, H., Kumcuoglu, S. and Tavman, S.,

       Effect of quinoa flour on gluten-free bread batter rheology

       and bread quality. Journal of Cereal Science, 69, pp.174-181,

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       Iglesias-Puig, E., Monedero, V. and Haros, M., Bread with

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